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作者:  来源:    日期:2023-05-08    浏览次数:












2015/09-2021/12 中国矿业大学,地质资源与地质工程,研究生/博士(硕博连读)

2011/09-2015/06 河北工程大学,勘查技术与工程,本科/学士


2024/12-至今 西安科技大学,地质与环境学院,副教授

2021/12-2024/12 西安科技大学,地质与环境学院,讲师



[1]耿济世,王双明,孙强,等.富油煤热解特性及其孔裂隙结构演化规律[J].煤田地质与勘探, 2024, 52(7): 46-53.

[2]王双明,耿济世,李鹏飞,等.煤炭绿色开发地质保障体系的构建[J],煤田地质与勘探, 2023, 51(1):33-43.

[3]GengJishi, Huang Hao, Sun Qiang, et al. Study on the influence of different water and black shale content on the resistivity of loess[J]. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2024, 266: 104413.

[4]Geng Jishi, Cao Liwen, Zhong Congyu, et al. Investigation of dynamic response of drilling parameters and deformation characteristics of coal around borehole during multi-stage reaming in tectonic coal[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2023, 170: 105540.

[5]GengJishi, Sun Qiang, Li Houen, Yang Yuru. Deterioration of mudstone exposed to cyclic hygrothermal conditions based on thermoacoustic emission[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 386:131581.

[6]Geng Jishi, Cao Liwen, Zhong Congyu, Zhang Shuai. An experimental study on preparation of reconstituted tectonic coal samples: optimization of preparation conditions. Energies, 2021, 14, 2846.

[7]Geng Jishi, Cao Liwen. Failure analysis of water-bearing sandstone using acoustic emission and energy dissipation[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2020, 231: 107021.

[8]GengJishi, Sun Qiang, Zhang Yuchun, Cao Liwen, Lü Chao, Zhang Yuliang. Temperature dependence of the thermal diffusivity of sandstone. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 164: 110-116.

[9]Geng Jishi, Sun Qiang, Zhang Yuchun, Gong Weiyi, Du Sheng. Non-destructive testing and temperature distribution of coal mine roadway lining structure under exogenous fire. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. 2018, 55: 144-151.

[10]Geng Jishi, Sun Qiang. Effects of high temperature treatment on physical-thermal properties of clay. Thermochimica Acta. 2018, 666: 148-155.

[11]Geng Jishi, Sun Qiang, Zhang Yuchun, Cao Liwen, Zhang Weiqiang. Studying the dynamic damage failure of concrete based on acoustic emission. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 149: 9-16.

[12]Geng Jishi, Sun Qiang, Zhang Yuchun, Yan Changgen, Zhang Weiqiang. Electric-field response based experimental investigation of unsaturated soil slope seepage. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 2017, 138: 154-160.

[13]Geng Jishi, Sun Qiang, Zhang Yuchun, Zhang Yuliang. Analysis of thermally-induced transformation of silica rocks after high temperature heat treatment. ActaGeodynamica etGeomaterialia, 2017, 187: 333-340.

[14]Geng Jishi, Sun Qiang, Zhang Weiqiang, Lü Chao. Effect of high temperature on mechanical and acoustic emission properties of calcareous-aggregate concrete. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 106: 1200-1208.

[15] GuChao,Geng Jishi,Sun Qiang, et al.Effect ofwater ongranitedeteriorationundermicrowaveradiationbased onreal-time AEmonitoring. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2024, 11399-11412.

[16] Sun Qiang,Geng Jishi*, Zhao Fei. Experiment study of physical and mechanical properties of sandstone after variable thermal cycles. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2020, 79(10): 3771-3784.

[17] Gong Xulong,Geng Jishi*, Sun Qiang, Gu Chunsheng, Zhang Weiqiang. Experimental study on pumping-induced land subsidence and earth fissures: A case study in the Su-Xi-Chang region, China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2020, 79: 4515-4525.

[18]Sun Qiang,Geng Jishi*, Zhang Weiqiang,Lü Chao.Variation of wave velocity and thermal conductivity of concrete after high-temperature treatment. EnvironmentalEarth Science,2017,76:88.

[19] Zhong Congyu, Cao Liwen,Geng Jishi*,et al.Laboratorystudy on theapplication ofreciprocatingmulti-stagereamingdrilling forhorizontalwells intectonicallydeformedcoalseams. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2024, 2253-2266.

[20] Bai Guogang, Sun Qiang,Geng Jishi*, Wang Shaofei, Xudong Jing. Resistivity of granite and sandstone varies with frequency and water saturation. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 2022, 8, 198.














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版权所属: 西安科技大学地质与环境学院